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hang [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈhæŋ/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/hæŋ/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(hang) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'hang' (v): (⇒ conjugate)hangsv 3rd person singular hangingv pres p hangedv past (When talking about a person being killed by hanging)hungv past (All other usages)hangedv past p (When talking about a person being killed by hanging)hungv past p (All other usages)

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 hang [sth] from/off [sth] vtr + prep (suspend from a fixed point)SCSimplified Chinese 悬挂,吊 xuán guà,diào TCTraditional Chinese 懸掛,吊  Let's hang that plant from a hook in the ceiling.  我们把那盆植物吊在天花板的挂钩上吧。 hang [sth] on/from [sth] vtr + prep (fasten to wall, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 把…固定在(墙)上 bǎ gù dìng zài qiáng shàng   SCSimplified Chinese 把...挂在...上  What do you think about hanging the mirror on that wall?  把镜子挂在那面墙上,你觉得如何? hang [sth]⇒ vtr (painting: display)SCSimplified Chinese 悬挂展出 xuán guà zhǎn chū TCTraditional Chinese 懸掛展出   SCSimplified Chinese 公开展览 xuán guà zhǎn chū,gōng kāi zhǎn lǎn  The curators hung the Dalí paintings at the museum.  策展人在博物馆中挂起了达利的画。 hang [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (adorn, decorate)SCSimplified Chinese 把...挂在...上   SCSimplified Chinese 用...装饰 TCTraditional Chinese 用…裝飾  Hang the Christmas tree with glass baubles.  用那些玻璃挂饰装饰圣诞树。 hang over [sth] vi + prep (hover, dangle)SCSimplified Chinese 悬浮在…之上 xuán fú zài zhī shàng  The fog hung over the town all morning.  整个上午,薄雾都悬浮在小镇上空。 hang [sb]⇒ vtr (execute by hanging)SCSimplified Chinese 绞死 jiǎo sǐ   SCSimplified Chinese 吊死 jiǎo sǐ,diào sǐ  In the nineteenth century, it was common to hang criminals.  在19世纪,绞死罪犯很常见。 hang⇒ vi (die by hanging)SCSimplified Chinese 被绞死 bèi jiǎo sǐ   SCSimplified Chinese 上吊自杀  The thief will hang when they discover his crimes.  当人们发现那个小偷的罪行之后,他会被绞死。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 hang n (way [sth] hangs)SCSimplified Chinese 垂坠   SCSimplified Chinese 飘垂 piāo chuí  I like the sheen of satin, but I prefer the hang of velvet.  我喜欢绸缎的光泽,但更喜欢天鹅绒的垂坠感。 hang vi slang (stay, wait)SCSimplified Chinese 逗留 dòu liú  We are just going to hang here till the band arrives. hang vi (hover, dangle)SCSimplified Chinese 悬浮,徘徊 xuán fú,pái huái TCTraditional Chinese 懸浮  The thick smoke stayed in the air, just hanging, for at least a day after the fire.  火灾后至少一天的时间里,浓烟一直悬浮在空中滞留不去。 hang over [sb] vi + prep figurative (cause worry)SCSimplified Chinese 使...忧虑,使…担心 TCTraditional Chinese 使…憂慮  I can't relax with these exams hanging over me.  这些考试笼罩在我心头,让我无法放松。 hang for [sth] vi + prep figurative, informal (pay a price, be punished)SCSimplified Chinese 因…受惩罚  If I damage my mum's car, I'll hang for it.  如果我弄坏了我妈的车,我将受到惩罚。 hang [sth]⇒ vtr (suspend with hinges)SCSimplified Chinese 吊着   SCSimplified Chinese 吊起 diào qǐ   SCSimplified Chinese 挂住 guà zhù  The carpenters hung the door on its hinges. hang [sth] on [sth] vtr + prep US, colloquial (attach)SCSimplified Chinese 将...贴上   SCSimplified Chinese 给...附上   SCSimplified Chinese 给...加上  The government hung a tax provision on the housing bill. hang [sb] for [sth] vtr + prep figurative, informal (punish) (指惩罚)SCSimplified Chinese 因...惩罚某人   SCSimplified Chinese 因...绞死某人  The opposition is going to hang that politician for his actions.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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动词短语英语中文 hang around, also UK: hang about vi phrasal informal (loiter)SCSimplified Chinese 闲逛 xián guàng  It's annoying when youths hang around at the bus stop intimidating customers.  年轻人在公车站晃悠恐吓顾客,令人厌烦。 hang around, also UK: hang about vi phrasal informal (wait, be kept waiting)SCSimplified Chinese 徘徊,等待 pái huái ,děng dài TCTraditional Chinese 等待  I hung around for 30 minutes but Steve didn't show up.  我在那里等了30分钟,但史蒂夫却没有出现。 hang around with [sb], also UK: hang about with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (socialize with [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 跟…在一起   SCSimplified Chinese 跟…交往  Since Harvey started hanging around with a group of older boys, he is always getting in trouble.  自从哈维开始和一群大龄男孩混在一起,他总是惹麻烦。 hang back vi phrasal (not step forward)SCSimplified Chinese 畏缩不前 wèi suō bù qián TCTraditional Chinese 畏縮不前   SCSimplified Chinese 退后等待 wèi suō bù qián,tuì hòu děng dài  The goalkeeper had a tendency to hang back on his line instead of coming out for crosses. hang down vi phrasal (droop, dangle)SCSimplified Chinese 垂下 chuí xià   SCSimplified Chinese 高悬 chuí xià,gāo xuán  The Halloween decorations were hanging down from the ceiling. hang in vi phrasal slang (persevere, not be discouraged)SCSimplified Chinese 不泄气 bú xiè qì TCTraditional Chinese 不洩氣   SCSimplified Chinese 坚持 bú xiè qì,jiān chí TCTraditional Chinese 堅持  Even when he knew he would lose the race, he hung in and finished strongly.  即便当他知道自己会输,还是毫不泄气,坚强地完成了比赛。 hang on vi phrasal informal (wait for a moment)SCSimplified Chinese 等一会儿 děng yī huì er TCTraditional Chinese 等一會兒   SCSimplified Chinese 稍等  Hang on please and I'll be with you in a couple of minutes.  请稍等,我几分钟后就来。 hang on vi phrasal US, informal (telephone: hold) (电话通话中使用)SCSimplified Chinese 别挂断, 等一下  Hang on please, I'm just putting you through.  请稍等,我马上给您转接过去。 hang on to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (retain, keep)SCSimplified Chinese 保留, 保有  These old books are worthless, but I hang on to them because they remind me of my childhood. hang on to [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (cling to)SCSimplified Chinese 紧握住 jǐn wò zhù TCTraditional Chinese 緊握住   SCSimplified Chinese 紧紧抓住 jǐn wò zhù,jǐn jǐn zhuā zhù TCTraditional Chinese 緊緊抓住  The slope was so steep and slippery that I had to hang on to a tree to avoid falling. hang on to [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (attend very closely to)SCSimplified Chinese 仔细注意 TCTraditional Chinese 仔細注意   SCSimplified Chinese 密切留意 hang out vi phrasal slang (spend time idly)SCSimplified Chinese 闲荡 xián dàng   SCSimplified Chinese 厮混 xián dàng,sī hùn  Why don't you come over to my house and hang out for a while?  不如你来我家悠闲地待会儿。 hang out with [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (be with: friends)SCSimplified Chinese 与…厮混 yǔ … sī hùn TCTraditional Chinese 與…廝混  Since he got a girlfriend he's stopped hanging out with his friends.  自从有了女朋友,他就不再与朋友们厮混了。 hang together vi phrasal figurative (be consistent)SCSimplified Chinese 一致 yí zhì TCTraditional Chinese 一致   SCSimplified Chinese 连贯 yí zhì,lián guàn TCTraditional Chinese 連貫   SCSimplified Chinese 不前后矛盾 yí zhì,bù qián hòu máo dùn  These two paragraphs don't hang together; I can't see how they are related. hang together vi phrasal figurative (support one another)SCSimplified Chinese 互相支持 hù xiāng zhī chí   SCSimplified Chinese 团结一致 hù xiāng zhī chí,tuán jié yí zhì TCTraditional Chinese 團結一致  As a society, we must all hang together if we wish to achieve our aims.  在同一个社会,如果想要实现目标,我们就必须相互支持。 hang up vi phrasal (replace phone receiver)SCSimplified Chinese 挂机 guà jī   SCSimplified Chinese 挂断 guà jī,guà duàn  It is very rude to hang up in the middle of a telephone conversation.  突然中途挂电话是一种非常粗鲁的行为。 hang [sth] up, hang up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (suspend from a high place)SCSimplified Chinese 挂起 guà qǐ  The children hung up their coats at the back of the classroom.  孩子们将自己的外套挂在教室后面。 hang [sth] up, hang up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, US (delay, impede) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 耽搁,延误 dān gē ,yán wù  The car accident near the highway off-ramp hung up traffic for several hours.  高速公路匝道口附近的车祸使整个交通耽搁了数小时。 hang up on [sb] vi phrasal + prep (end phone call)SCSimplified Chinese 挂断…的电话 hang upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep (depend on)SCSimplified Chinese 取决于 qǔ jué yú TCTraditional Chinese 取決於...   SCSimplified Chinese 有赖于 qǔ jué yú ,yǒu lài yú  Success or failure hangs upon this one small detail.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:英语中文 get the hang of [sth], get the hang of doing [sth] v expr informal (learn to do)SCSimplified Chinese 学会… TCTraditional Chinese 學會...   SCSimplified Chinese 掌握…的窍门  I took her ice-skating for the first time, and she got the hang of it right away. get the hang of [sth] v expr informal (understand)SCSimplified Chinese 明白 míng bái   SCSimplified Chinese 理解 míng bái,lǐ jiě TCTraditional Chinese 理解  At first the movie made no sense to me, but after a while I got the hang of it. give a dog a bad name and hang him expr (a bad reputation is hurtful)SCSimplified Chinese 有事说事,别拿狗撒气   SCSimplified Chinese 欲加之罪,何患无辞 hang a left v expr informal (turn left while driving) (驾车)SCSimplified Chinese 左转 zuǒ zhuǎn TCTraditional Chinese 左轉   SCSimplified Chinese 向左转向 hang about interj UK, slang (stop, wait a moment) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 等一下! děng yí xià  Hang about, do you mean to say you knew about that the whole time and just didn't tell me?! hang by a thread v expr (dangle)SCSimplified Chinese 摇摇欲坠 yáo yáo yù zhuì TCTraditional Chinese 搖搖欲墜 备注: Often used in continuous tenses The Emergency Room doctor told me that my fingertip was hanging by a thread. hang by a thread v expr figurative (be precarious)SCSimplified Chinese 命悬一线 TCTraditional Chinese 命在旦夕   SCSimplified Chinese 千钧一发 qiān jūn yí fà   SCSimplified Chinese 岌岌可危 jí jí kě wēi 备注: Often used in continuous tenses Sam's life hung by a thread as he struggled to come out of a coma. hang glider, hang-glider n (apparatus for free flying)SCSimplified Chinese 悬挂式滑翔机 xuán guà shì huá xiáng jī  His hang glider got blown off course and he ended up landing in a tree. hang glider, hang-glider n (person who hang-glides)SCSimplified Chinese 从事悬挂式滑翔运动的人 cóng shì xuán guà shì huá xiáng yùn dòng de rén hang gliding n (flying kite-like aircraft)SCSimplified Chinese 悬挂式滑翔  Andrew goes hang gliding every weekend. hang in the balance v expr figurative (be precarious)SCSimplified Chinese 悬置 xuán zhì   SCSimplified Chinese 悬而未决 xuán zhì,xuán ér wèi jué TCTraditional Chinese 懸而未決  Australia's political future hung in the balance after no clear winner emerged in Saturday's election. Hang in there! interj informal (do not be discouraged)SCSimplified Chinese 坚持一下!坚持住!  Hang in there, John, you've almost made it! Hang it!, Hang it all! interj (used to express irritation)SCSimplified Chinese 烦死了   SCSimplified Chinese 真讨厌 zhēn tǎo yàn hang it up v expr slang (quit, resign) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 退出 tuì chū TCTraditional Chinese 退出   SCSimplified Chinese 辞职 tuì chū,cí zhí TCTraditional Chinese 辭職 hang loose v expr (be detached, dangle)SCSimplified Chinese 悬空 xuán kōng   SCSimplified Chinese 悬挂 xuán kōng,xuán guà TCTraditional Chinese 懸掛  Water was pouring from the roof because part of the gutter was hanging loose. hang loose v expr slang, figurative (relax, be relaxed)SCSimplified Chinese 放松, 随意, 散漫  Hang loose, man - I'll be back in a minute. hang on [sth] vi + prep figurative (attend closely)SCSimplified Chinese 仔细倾听 zǐ xì qīng tīng TCTraditional Chinese 仔細傾聽  The speech was so interesting that the audience was hanging on every word. She idolises him, and hangs on his every word.  这场演讲很有趣,每一个字听众都听得很认真。//她非常崇拜他,仔细聆听他说的每个字。 hang on [sth/sb] vi + prep (depend)SCSimplified Chinese 取决于 qǔ jué yú TCTraditional Chinese 取決於...  I don't know if we will be able to fly today, it all hangs on the weather.  我不知道我们今天是否能起飞,这一切都取决于天气状况。 hang on [sth/sb] doing [sth] v expr (depend)SCSimplified Chinese 取决于 qǔ jué yú TCTraditional Chinese 取決於...  The player's hopes of taking the Wimbledon title hang on him winning this final set.  这位选手能否赢得温布尔登赛冠军取决于他能否拿下最后一盘比赛。 Hang on! interj informal (stop, wait)SCSimplified Chinese 等等!停!  Hang on! Are you trying to make a monkey out of me?  停!你是在把我当猴耍吗? hang one on [sb] v expr slang (hit)SCSimplified Chinese 挑逗 tiǎo dòu   SCSimplified Chinese 与...调情 hang one on v expr slang (get drunk)SCSimplified Chinese 喝酒 hē jiǔ TCTraditional Chinese 喝酒   SCSimplified Chinese 喝醉 hē jiǔ,hē zuì hang out vi + adv (dangle, protrude)SCSimplified Chinese 吊在外面,垂在外面   SCSimplified Chinese 伸出去  The cat's tongue was hanging out.  那只猫的舌头垂在外面。 hang time n (American football) (橄榄球)SCSimplified Chinese 悬空时间 hang time n (basketball) (篮球)SCSimplified Chinese 滞空时间 hang [sth] to dry v expr (suspend [sth] wet until it dries)SCSimplified Chinese 悬挂晾干   SCSimplified Chinese 自然晾干  I'll hang my towel to dry in the sun. hang tough v expr slang (not quit)SCSimplified Chinese 坚持到底 jiān chí dào dǐ TCTraditional Chinese 堅持到底   SCSimplified Chinese 坚持下去 jiān chí dào dǐ,jiān chí xià qù TCTraditional Chinese 堅持下去   SCSimplified Chinese 别打退堂鼓 jiān chí dào dǐ,bié dǎ tuì táng gǔ hang up your boots v expr figurative, informal (retire)SCSimplified Chinese 退役   SCSimplified Chinese 退休 tuì xiū TCTraditional Chinese 退休 hang up your boots v expr figurative, informal (stop doing an activity)SCSimplified Chinese 金盆洗手   SCSimplified Chinese 不再做某事 hang on [sb]'s every word, hang upon [sb]'s every word, hang on [sb]'s words v expr (attend very closely to)SCSimplified Chinese 仔细倾听 zǐ xì qīng tīng TCTraditional Chinese 仔細傾聽  Now that was interesting! I hung upon his every word. hang your head v expr (in shame)SCSimplified Chinese 羞愧地低下头  The defendant hung his head as the judge pronounced his sentence. hang-glide⇒ vi (sport: fly kite-like aircraft) (体育)SCSimplified Chinese 悬挂滑翔 hang-up n informal (psychological complex) (精神上的)SCSimplified Chinese 烦忧,烦扰 fán rǎo  I've got a hang-up about the size of my hips. hang-up n US, informal (impediment)SCSimplified Chinese 造成延误的问题  We've run into a bit of a hang-up and need more time to finish. hangout, hang-out n informal (frequented place)SCSimplified Chinese 常去之处,经常出没之地 cháng qù zhī chù TCTraditional Chinese 常去之處  The club has become a hangout for students after school.  这个俱乐部已经成为学生们放学后的常去之处。 let it all hang out v expr figurative, informal (be uninhibited)SCSimplified Chinese 放飞自我   SCSimplified Chinese 自由自在 zì yóu zì zài   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: hang [hæŋ] (pt, pp hung)I vt 1 [+ clothes, light, picture] 挂(掛) guà 2 (=execute) [+ criminal](pt, pp hanged) 吊死 diàosǐ II vi 1 (=be suspended) [clothes, light, picture] 悬(懸)挂(掛) xuánguà [breath, smoke, smell] 飘(飄)浮 piāofú 2 (=fall) [clothing, fabric, hair] 垂 chuí to hang one's head (in shame) (羞愧得)低下头(頭) (xiūkuì de)dīxià tóu the walls are hung with old pictures 墙(牆)上挂(掛)着(著)旧(舊)画(畫) qiángshang guàzhe jiùhuà to hang loose [hair] 披散 pīsàn [arms] 轻(輕)松(鬆)下垂 qīngsōng xiàchuí to hang open [door, mouth] 开(開)着(著) kāizheIII n ▶ to get the hang of sth (inf) 掌握某事的方法 zhǎngwò mǒushì de fāngfǎ hang about vi = hang around hang around (inf)I vi 闲(閒)荡(蕩) xiándàng II vt fus 不可拆分 闲(閒)荡(蕩) xiándàng hang back vi (=hesitate) 踌(躊)躇不前 chóuchú bù qián hang down vi 吊下来(來) diào xiàlái hang onI vi (=wait) 稍等 shāoděng II vt fus 不可拆分 (=depend on) 有赖(賴)于(於) yǒulài yú hang onto, hang on to vt fus 不可拆分 1 (=grasp) 紧(緊)紧(緊)抓住 jǐnjǐn zhuāzhù 2 (inf) (fig: keep) 保留 bǎoliú hang outI vt [+ washing] 晾 liàng II vi 1 [washing] 晾 liàng 2 (inf: go) 闲(閒)荡(蕩) xiándàng hang round (Brit) vi = hang around hang together vi [argument, story] 一致 yīzhì hang upI vi (Tel) 挂(掛)断(斷)电(電)话(話) guàduàn diànhuà II vt [+ coat, hat, clothes] 挂(掛)起 guàqǐ hang up on vt fus 不可拆分 (Tel) 挂(掛)断(斷)…电(電)话(話) guàduàn…diànhuà 在这些条目还发现'hang': 在英文解释里: bag - blouse - chill - chillax - curtain rod - dangle - draggle - drape - droop - flop - hang glider - hat rack - hat stand - hold the phone - hover - in mid air - knock around - loiter - paper - peg - rehang - ring off - sag - scrag - set - sling - string up - suspend - vibe 中文: 悬 - 悬挂 - 上吊 - 吊死 - 垂 - 悬垂 - 挂 - 杭 - 逛 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Clothing actions, Irregular verbs, 更多……同义词: suspend, drape, sling, dangle, hang up, 更多……习惯性搭配: hang [ribbons, decorations] from the [ceiling], am (finally) getting the hang of this, hang a [picture, painting] on the wall, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'hang' 的论坛讨论:

hang out take out clothes to hang them up To hang on somebody We must all hang together or we will all be hanged separately 'hang around' vs 'hang out' - English Only forum (to) hang a portrait - English Only forum A formal synonym for hang out - English Only forum a hang-on (about a person) - English Only forum a necklace that would lie down and hang - English Only forum a place that I visit or hang out at quite oft - English Only forum air clothes/hang up clothes/bask clothes/dry clothes - English Only forum All she did was hang around ogling the men in the factory. - English Only forum all would - English Only forum append /Vs./ hang on - English Only forum As a peg on which to hang an argument - English Only forum As long as you hang out (are hanging out) with him, the two of us wont be hanging out. - English Only forum attach or hang or ??? - English Only forum be left hanging in the air/ hang in the air - English Only forum BE.hold your horses/keep your shirt on/hang on to your hat - English Only forum Bear up, endure, hold on, stand, stand on, hang on, resist - English Only forum Besides, hang up, what can I use with a phone? - English Only forum cha? (hang up the telephone) - English Only forum Chill as in hang out. - English Only forum dangle/hang - English Only forum derivatives of "to hang on" - English Only forum Dither vs vacillate vs hang back vs hesitate - English Only forum Do you still hang out/Are you still hanging out - English Only forum do......before you hang clothes after washing - English Only forum does a watch hang on the wall/is hung up on the wall, or..? - English Only forum Does hang and put up means the same thing? - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'hang'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "hang" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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